Monday, 16 May 2011

Yvonne Foong's talk

Hey guys,

Here's Yvonne's post about her talk during HUO6!

Click here.

The reason why we think that it's important for us to share her post with everyone is not only because she is such a true inspiration, but also because someone from her talk left her a very important question on a piece of note without any name.

So we hope that by linking to her blog post (as she has written her answer in it), the person who asked the question would be able to get an answer. Also, the question can be applied to everybody as well, so it worth sharing it :)


"When situations seem difficult and things are not getting better, what makes you want to persevere and think that things will be better when it seems like it is easier to give up and just end things once and for all?"

World Issues teacher, Mr. Colin with Yvonne during HUO6.
(photo credits to Yvonne)

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