On behalf of the Hear Us Out 6 committee, we would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for participating in HUO6!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed your time at the conference with us as much as we enjoyed organizing it!

An applause for our World Issues teacher, Mr. Colin Shafer for being awesome!
The HUO6 committee @ World Issues class of January 2011 together with HUO6 keynote speaker; Datuk Paduka Marina Mahathir, CPU Assistant Principal; Miss Rowena Valberg and World Issues teacher; Mr. Colin Shafer.
- Reef Check Malaysia
- Creating A Happy Space
- Yvonne Foong
- Centre for Independent Journalism
- Unscientific Malaysia
- Loyar Burok
- Amnesty International Malaysia
- Childline Malaysia & Petaling Jaya Child Council
Thank you so much to Mr. Steve McCoy and Datuk Paduka Marina Mahathir for taking time off from their busy schedules to join us and making HUO6 such a memorable event! We really enjoyed having both our keynote speakers with us because they are two amazing people who fight for what they believe in and never fail to inspire those around them; us included and I'm sure all the participants as well!
Thank you to Taylor's College and its staff (our amazing teachers included!) for making all of our efforts a success and for constantly supporting us through thick and thin! We can only do so much on our part but without the love and love support by these awesome people, HUO6 would never have been a reality!
- CPU Principal; Mr. Jim and CPU Vice Principal; Miss Rowena for constantly showing their support and love to all of us; the HUO6 committee!
- Our awesome CPU teachers who promoted and urged their students to be a part of HUO6! WE LOVE YOU!
- A big shout out to the Marketing Dept., Security Dept., technicians and cleaners of Taylor's College for being incredibly amazing with their job and also with helping us!
- All of the teachers, lecturers and staff from Taylor's College and Taylor's University for helping us to promote HUO6 everywhere!
A big thank to everyone who has participated and promoted HUO6!!!! You guys made it all worth all our hard work worth it in the end! You guys are AMAZING!
And to a very special person:
A HUGEEEEEE THANK YOU to our World Issues teacher, MR. COLIN BOYD SHAFER for mentoring us, pushing us and advising us from day one till this day! You have been there with us all the way and never once did you quit on us! We love and appreciate everything that you have done for us and for the conference. You were never there to dictate us, but instead, you help guide us and endured all the happy, sad, frustrating and weird moments with us.
You walked with us from class to class to promote the conference with such enthusiasm and passion and you even came to class when you should have stayed in bed instead because you were sick. You were there when we needed you, even if it's at night or a weekend, even when we called you straight up, texted you during odd hours or wanted to talk to you on Facebook, YOU WERE THERE.
We love you dearly and words are never enough to tell you how thankful and proud we are to have you as our teacher.
Thank you so much everybody!
(Photo credits to Jonathan Lee. Thanks Jonathan!!!)
(Photo credits to Jonathan Lee. Thanks Jonathan!!!)
You are welcome.. It was the world issues that we all cannot miss it. Keep up the good work beb!!!!
Syahidah Ishak
I thought it was DATIN Paduka.