Monday, 9 May 2011

MyContitution Talk during HUO6!

A first-of-its-kind national campaign to educate the Malaysian public and create greater awareness about the Federal Constitution.

Who Are They?
A committee of lawyers, students, academics, members of the media, members of non-governmental organisations and Malaysians from all walks of life, we are the Constitutional Law Committee formed under the aegis of the Bar Council, Malaysia.

The Committee was formed to address and promote understanding of the Malaysian Federal Constitution and the concept of constitutionalism.

What is the MyConstitution Campaign?
A first-of-its-kind national campaign to educate the Malaysian public and create greater awareness about the Constitution. The MyConstitution Campaign is guided by the following observations:
  • The Constitution covers almost every aspect of Malaysian life, from the simple right to freedom of movement to the right to elected government.
  • The Constitution is the primary document that defines us as a nation and preserves the central pillars of democratic governance.
  • Every Malaysian is a beneficiary of its promise of constitutionalism and of democratic governance, and therefore all Malaysians must be armed with knowledge and understanding of the Constitution.
Under this Campaign, there shall be
  • Nine pocket-sized Rakyat Guides, each addressing different aspects of the Constitution. The booklet-style guides, initially to be published in Bahasa Melayu and English, will explain the Constitution in accessible language and simplify complex concepts. The booklets will be released periodically over two years.
  • A series of Rakyat Service Advertisements on different themes of the Constitution, to be released in conjunction with each of the nine Rakyat Guides; and
  • Awareness-raising activities such as debates, discussions and lectures in different media.
Where else can you find us?
You can find us on the following networks

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